Thursday, May 26, 2011

Now I Have to Think of Something

So I just read the most awesome blog post ever. (You should all read it)
Well I think this is clever and amazing and it is something I sometimes think about. Well now that my friend has made this I want to do something like it, but I don't know what. I could maybe do a book, but most of the books I read are already movies or tv shows. Maybe I could do it on the Dragonlance books, but there are a billion characters in those books. Well I don't know, maybe I could pick one book and do those characters. Well, you should check out that post and the hot guys suggested because they are hot. Haha. Well, c'ya.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yay and thanks! I feel honored now! haha Glad you liked my post. Sam Page for the win! He is soooo good lookin'

    You should do a Ponyo one....JK ;) Lol That would be funny and weird. Maybe I should do a Ponyo one...If I ever get that bored.

    I know what you mean about certain books having too many characters. Fire Emblem is that same way. There's at least 70 characters in that game - no joking! So I just picked some of my favorites...And the ones I picked aren't even half of my
